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GSoC 2009 is over

So this year’s Google Summer of Code is officially over. The deadline for completing the final evaluations was already on Tuesday but the official results were announced on Wednesday: About 2000 mentors and 1000 students have been working on 150 projects with a success rate of 85%+ (including myself), which is the best success rate to date.

I really liked working with my mentor (thanks Sam!) on SDL . Porting the ps3 video driver which I wrote last semester for SDL 1.2 to the new upcomming release SDL 1.3 was pretty exciting. Both video drivers have now the same functionality but I think the 1.3 ps3 driver has a better performance than the version in 1.2 (benchmarks comming soon). I hope I can continue working on SDL but unfortunately just as GSoC was over Sony anounced that the (new) PS3 will no longer have the “otheros”-feature, which is very sad. Therefor a lot of PS3 developers (like unsolo) stopped development on their projects (spumedia-lib, spexms, speutils, ...). But anyway, even if the ps3 community won’t be the same again, GSoC was a great summer and you really get into open-source, all the things around it and you’ll learn a lot.

Now, I am looking forward to get my GSoC-tshirt :-)