Local Pollen Forecast as Web-Calendar
Integrating hyperlocal pollen forecasts into your existing daily schedules. A web-calendar subscription with detailed and reliable pollen indexes of over 14 species, without having to check a separate app.
Monitoring energy data with the Powerfox Exporter
Introducing an exporter for the Powerfox energy data to track and visualize your consumptions in real-time.
Docker: Move to new data-root
Docker reliably encapsulates configuration, data and other files. But as soon as you start running services like databases or even common monitoring concepts, the underlying storage layer may become a bottleneck. However, moving all docker-related data to a new location is more than just a `mv` command.
NAS with Kaby Lake and FreeNAS
Instructions for a FreeNAS server built on Intel's Kaby Lake platform with full ZFS support.