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Google Developer Day 2010

The Google Developer Day took place in Munich this year. To be precise, at the M.O.C and the first time in cooperation with my uni, the TUM. It is a one-day conference about the latest Google developer products and platforms.

There were only 1000 tickets to the GDD and they were already sold out after 10 days, but fortunately I got one. As on many Google conferences, they had surprises for the first 200 developers who register. At Google IO for example it was a Nexus One. Encouraged by that we thought, we wanna be one of these two hundred. So we met at the underground station close to the M.O.C. at 5:30am (I got up at 4:30am), registration opened at 7am. About 30 people were already there and luckily we didn't had to wait outside. At 7 registration opened and we were all very excited what the surprise would be. There was lots of rumors going on in the queue, people thought of things like the Google TV, a Nexus Two and other really cool stuff. After registration we got a badge, a GDE-tee and... a hexbug nano. That was the a surprise. Well, expectations were seriously way to high, but the conference was not about the surprise, it was about Googles developer activities.

The conf had 6+1 tracks: Android, Chrome & HTML5, Cloud Computing, Monetization, Social Web and the Tech Talk. The 7th track was from the TUM and CDTM. I spend most of my time on the Cloud and Android track and it was quite interesting. The talks were not as in detail as I thought but the speakers really knew what they were talking about.

They also had a "Stammtisch" for every track where you could meet other developers and/or could play Playstation3, Wii or tabletop soccer, which was really fun.

Overall I can say, that it was worth attending the Google Developer Day 2010. I (and for sure other people as well) had a lot of fun and the guys from Google did their job and caught my interest in developing some stuff on Android. So, thanks Google for this great day!